by Will Schreiber


Yesterday, I woke up, hopped on a Citi bike, and rode to the gym. It took 5 minutes.

The gym was so crowded I left and walked to Joe & The Juice back by my apartment. I don’t like Joe & The Juice. But I do like their laptop policy.

After pushing code all morning, I went home to mix some dough before riding another Citi bike to Soho for my Apple Store appointment. Sandra unclogged my phone’s Lightning port.

From there, it was a 19 minute walk straight down Greene to my dentist for follow-up x-rays.

After getting scanned, I went to the gym across the street in Tribeca. This time it was empty. 3pm is the sweet spot.

After working out, I rode the R train to Union Square. 10 minutes. 16 minutes with walking.

I worked for two hours at Industrious, then decided to meet Elizabeth for a walk before the sun set. So I got back on a Citi bike, rode down 13th street, then over to the West Side Highway.

From there we walked home.

I am in love with NYC.