SF is part of my karass
"It's a terrible thing that we made"
It’s good when things are bad
AI vs. AGI vs. Consciousness vs. Super-intelligence vs. Agency
Fragile passengers
Will training data matter anymore for self-driving cars?
Two things have changed since 1990
What’s in and out for 2023
My experience Wednesday in SF
I forgot my laptop
My Kindle is dead
Decentralization is a narrative mirage.
Dark and dirty dorm rooms
Four years ago
Inside every brown take-out bag…
Acting like a Github recruiter
Radio, SF, and cultural stopgaps
Can I smell as well as a bloodhound?
Tailwind saved me from a coding ice age
Bierstadt and breakfast
Big vision, little start
Avoiding a bad day
2020 > 1924
The Needles, Canyonlands
To the next chapter
Unlearning school
Surprises generate smiles.
Shared Lyft to Dunkin’ Donuts
Pascal’s Scam
New one-mile PR
Personality is the force majeure of the internet.
“All You Need To Know”
Birds, Planes, And COVID’s Chokepoint
Don’t Judge a Substack By Its Cover
Timezones, power-ranked: Mountain, Central, Pacific, Eastern
Restaurant Revenue and Goodhart’s Law
Long email signatures
The High-Frequency-Trading Of News
Google blew a ten-year lead.
Picky Eaters, Philanderers, and Hamlet
Birmingham’s Original Sin
The coffee doesn’t taste any good.
I Am Nothing and Also Something
Stay, leave, or create a hacker house?
What if I run out of things to say?
Patio11’s Law
The “Damned If You Do, Damned If You Don’t” Fallacy
I was tricked into thinking I had “grit”
Shaving and being human
Seatbelts and falling out of a Ford station wagon
Charlie Munger is slowly warming up to Elon Musk
Running, one year apart
Fruit flies and climate change
Bill’s Guide To Bread
Narrow band of intelligence
Learning to love (monitors) again
“Hey Alexa, Pause The Economy”
~2,412 people in the U.S. have SARS-CoV-2 (as of 3/5/2020)
Working from home
Almost out of stock
The more “important,” the more engaging
Trekking in Kyrgyzstan
Being prolific
Constraints breed more than creativity
Will negative interest rates lead to Marxism?
Cocktail Party Entrepreneurs
“I Exist”
Organizing my thoughts
Bars need competition in order to get crowds
F-150 Mile Equivalents, “FME’s”
“The average American changes their healthcare plan every 2.7 years.”
“How did the human cross the road?”
From Idaho to Mars
Union Square
“It’s Vulnerability, Stupid”
Just enough to get into trouble, not enough to avoid disaster
Side hustle
It’s too late to collect sand
Everybody already knows
“Down” Market
“It’s Voluntary”
Inventions are memes
“I’ll finish that tonight.”
AIM and Identity
Annualized expenses.
Cigarettes, scotch, company, writing, and conversation
Hitchens in North Beach
E-commerce and iCommerce
The Efficient Market Hypothesis and equities
Fermentation Station
Where Are The Engineer’s Mansions?
Lyndon Johnson nearly killed himself running for his first Congressional seat when he was 28 years old.
Day 1
Munger, on Trump
This morning I was walking down Divisadero.
Google Search Is Dead (8 years later)
“When a supernova explodes, the blast wave creates high-energy particles that scatter in every direction; scientists believe there is a minute chance that one of the errant particles known, as a cosmic ray, can hit a computer chip on Earth, flipping a
Why isn’t the trade war a bipartisan issue?
“All The News That’s Fit To Print”
Last month, outside of JFK, Elizabeth commented, “No smoking sign… but it smells like smoke.
“10 Simple Truths”
On Clouds, Since August
Nashville, 2 years apart
Morgantown to Pittsburgh
360° of Mt. Cook
Just Walk Out
Eating in Mt. Cook National Park
Screaming vs. Subtle
The Destruction Index
Guns, Germs and Sweat
Surfing and coffee
Turtles, All The Way Down
Outsite in Canggu, Bali, Indonesia
Fall, Winter, Summer
“The demand curve slopes downward”
The end of status
Birds and buses to BHM
Steve Martin
7,830 miles
Scrolling and scrolling and scrolling
Mr. Singh
Not Pictured
Chinese hotspot, made for an Indian network, unlocked in Laos, for worldwide internet
Goodbye, Pai
Motorbiking in Pai
Around the world in 80 hostels
Big blue dog
Monk Chats
“I did Chiang Mai” Pet Peeve
Mental Model: Chokepoints
Hiking to Nalan, a remote ethnic hill tribe.
Things I wish existed while I’ve been traveling
The “Roadside Motel” Bill
Province Tax
“The bridge is broken”
Hike up to the Nong Kiaw Viewpoint
Munger, Wal-mart, and Louis C.K.
Exploring Vang Vieng, Laos
Driving in Laos
“For The Gram”
Great leaders speak plainly
Consistency Is Underrated
How, Cambodia?
Efficient Market Hypothesis
Ken’s Artisan Pizza - Portland, OR
“Side Effects May Include”
Brown Line to Kimball
Fewer people moving and taking risks
Sourdough, June 2018 Vintage
“Can you imagine?”
The Wall, The Crawl, and the Courtyard
“Yeah, no, […]
On Leaving Cities
Unknown knowns1 and the Gell-Mann Amnesia effect
Users hate software.
Stories, by Steven Pinker
Greg LeMond
Chicago river at 1am
“A little bit of slope makes up for a lot of y-intercept” - John Ousterhout